Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Starting on Tuesday because I forgot about Monday

I just worked out, literally, like, I just stopped. So I know exactly what I did and I'm not fabricating and being hazy about what I just did.
I ran for about 10 minutes, did about 20 sit ups, 5 pushups, 10 second wall chair, some weird side bends, stretching, and lots of breathing.
It wasn't the best, I could have run longer, if my damn headphones didn't unplug from my iPod and my music on my zombie app stopped...We'll let that one pass for now. But tomorrow I'll actually run the full 30 minutes.
All in all, I'd say that was a decent work out for being my first one in a long time. I'm sweating major balls right now, so that's a plus.
But then again, when do I not sweat?
Now time for breakfast! HA! I'm not so hungry, I'm just going to go make my lunch and if I really am hungry, I'll have a bowl of cereal.
Come on goal weight! Let's do this!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm thinking of setting my mind into the zombie apocalyptic setting and eating like they do in zombie films, small portions, running, and just psyching myself out.
It could work.
I'll lose that weight in no time!
This is bound to work.

I'm back!

For good this time.
I do mainly use tumblr but this place will be my self expression, venting to myself kind of diary blog.
I truly do love to type, even if I don't always sound intelligent and make no sense in what I'm saying, I make sense to myself.
So, guess what? Ha! Yeah, I'm going on a diet. I hate that word because I never stay to it.
But this time, I think I can do it.
I'm not going to freak about who sees this, because in reality, I'm the only one who goes on here.
 So, let's get this started!
Sunday March 4, 2012, starting at 235lbs.
I'll make a jar, and for every pound I drop, I'll put a dollar in.
Let's do this!